走过岁月 发表于 2018-1-28 22:48:10


本帖最后由 走过岁月 于 2018-1-28 23:28 编辑 <br /><br /><TABLE style="LEFT: -350px; WIDTH: 1300px; POSITION: relative; TOP: 150px; HEIGHT: 700px" height=700 cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=1300 align=center>
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茉莉花儿 发表于 2018-1-28 22:59:16


Ken: "Hallo"
French guy: "Hallo, ??"
Ken: "Oh dear, you have phone"
French guy: "Yeah, hey guy, tell me about your menicure"
Ken: "I love you and feel the groove"
French guy: "Tell me about it, is it the true"
Ken: "It's true, yes, it's true"
French guy: "Don't fool out, it's dangerous"
Ken: "Don't worry, baby gold"
French guy: "Everything is same as all"
Ken: "Everything is the same"
French guy: "Oh, I love you"
Ken: "Me too"
French guy: "I love you"

茉莉花儿 发表于 2018-1-28 23:01:23


Ken: "Hallo"
French guy: "Hallo, ??"
Ken: "Oh dear, you have phone"
French guy: "Yeah, hey guy, tell me about your menicure"
Ken: "I love you and feel the groove"
French guy: "Tell me about it, is it the true"
Ken: "It's true, yes, it's true"
French guy: "Don't fool out, it's dangerous"
Ken: "Don't worry, baby gold"
French guy: "Everything is same as all"
Ken: "Everything is the same"
French guy: "Oh, I love you"
Ken: "Me too"
French guy: "I love you"

茉莉花儿 发表于 2018-1-28 23:01:42


茉莉花儿 发表于 2018-1-28 23:02:18


Ken: "Hallo"
French guy: "Hallo, ??"
Ken: "Oh dear, you have phone"
French guy: "Yeah, hey guy, tell me about your menicure"
Ken: "I love you and feel the groove"
French guy: "Tell me about it, is it the true"
Ken: "It's true, yes, it's true"
French guy: "Don't fool out, it's dangerous"
Ken: "Don't worry, baby gold"
French guy: "Everything is same as all"
Ken: "Everything is the same"
French guy: "Oh, I love you"
Ken: "Me too"
French guy: "I love you"

茉莉花儿 发表于 2018-1-28 23:02:46


茉莉花儿 发表于 2018-1-28 23:03:42

这首歌非常著名,,德国歌手KEN LAZLO的经典作品,,:victory:

茉莉花儿 发表于 2018-1-28 23:04:00


Ken: "Hallo"
French guy: "Hallo, ??"
Ken: "Oh dear, you have phone"
French guy: "Yeah, hey guy, tell me about your menicure"
Ken: "I love you and feel the groove"
French guy: "Tell me about it, is it the true"
Ken: "It's true, yes, it's true"
French guy: "Don't fool out, it's dangerous"
Ken: "Don't worry, baby gold"
French guy: "Everything is same as all"
Ken: "Everything is the same"
French guy: "Oh, I love you"
Ken: "Me too"
French guy: "I love you"

茉莉花儿 发表于 2018-1-28 23:05:14


茉莉花儿 发表于 2018-1-28 23:06:26

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